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About NGO
About NGO
Lok Bharti Education Society (LBES), a 29-Year-old Society, operates towards measurable and sustainable CSR interventions. Lok Bharti Education Society (www.lokbharti.com) is a not-for-profit organization registered under the “Society Registration Act, 1860.
The core work of Lok Bharti is with the marginalised and underprivileged sector in rural and urban parts on a PAN India basis, for better community outreach. Lok Bharti anchored its interventions in 2010, where our focus areas of work reflect enabling sustainability and self-sufficiency for the community. Our key focus areas remain:
Strategizing And Implementing CSR- including Plant Level CSR, Skill Development, Employability and Livelihood Enhancement, Environmental Sustainability, Women Empowerment, Community, Development, Education Eradication Addressing Hunger, Poverty, Malnutrition, Preventive Healthcare, Water and Sanitation, Green Energy and Initiatives; to impact lives by economic and social development for the community sufficing the need to be integrated back into the community with gainful employment.
Capacity Building - Assessing Skill, Levels Bridging the Skill Gaps, Trade specific UpSkilling, Apprenticeship, Financial Literacy, Digital Literacy
Public-Private Partnership - District Level, State Level, National Level, to enable sustainability and self-sufficiency for the community.
Lok Bharti has designed and implemented Programs all over India and has impacted more than 2,00,000+ beneficiaries so far, including a significant percentage of women. Lok Bharti has worked with American India Foundation, UNDP, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited, NTPC, HPCL, NSIC, TATA Power, State Bank of India, LIC HFL, DLF Foundation, Schneider Electric, Jindal Steels, RPG Foundation, Reliance Foundation to name a few.
Lok Bharti brings vast experience of interventions in tandem with the Corporate and Academia, having designed programs that are aligned with the CSR goals and the corporate goals. The team of over 45 professionals at Lok Bharti is competent to deliver a set of unique industry-demand driven, multi-stakeholder programs, to bridge the gaps in potentially high growth employment industries/sectors. We can deliver a measurable impact and thus derive strategic imperatives from the CSR Agenda which is linked to the core business proposition of the corporate.
Lok Bharti has to its credit the following:
• Certified training provider with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
• Affiliated to various Sector Skill Councils like Construction, Retail, Healthcare, Automotive etc.
• Executed Government programs like Himayat, SSA, MoRD, UPSDM, Aajeevika, RSLDC, SJSRY, ELSTP etc.
• Impacted the lives and livelihoods of 2,00,000 + beneficiaries
• PAN India Program Interventions
• Foray into Green Energy Skilling Initiatives
• Women Empowerment by providing training to women and making them self-sustainable and financially independent and a focus on Gender Equality
• Inclusive initiatives with Persons with Disability
• Generate employment and entrepreneurship opportunities at the bottom of the pyramid
Our vision of nation building and our commitment to give back to the society forms the basis of our CSR initiatives. Our ground level CSR initiatives have been instrumental in bringing about social change impacting lives of communities and individuals for a better future, one step at a time. We address and drive social and human concerns.
The core work of Lok Bharti is with the marginalised and underprivileged sector in rural and urban parts on a PAN India basis, for better community outreach. Lok Bharti anchored its interventions in 2010, where our focus areas of work reflect enabling sustainability and self-sufficiency for the community. Our key focus areas remain:
Strategizing And Implementing CSR- including Plant Level CSR, Skill Development, Employability and Livelihood Enhancement, Environmental Sustainability, Women Empowerment, Community, Development, Education Eradication Addressing Hunger, Poverty, Malnutrition, Preventive Healthcare, Water and Sanitation, Green Energy and Initiatives; to impact lives by economic and social development for the community sufficing the need to be integrated back into the community with gainful employment.
Capacity Building - Assessing Skill, Levels Bridging the Skill Gaps, Trade specific UpSkilling, Apprenticeship, Financial Literacy, Digital Literacy
Public-Private Partnership - District Level, State Level, National Level, to enable sustainability and self-sufficiency for the community.
Lok Bharti has designed and implemented Programs all over India and has impacted more than 2,00,000+ beneficiaries so far, including a significant percentage of women. Lok Bharti has worked with American India Foundation, UNDP, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited, NTPC, HPCL, NSIC, TATA Power, State Bank of India, LIC HFL, DLF Foundation, Schneider Electric, Jindal Steels, RPG Foundation, Reliance Foundation to name a few.
Lok Bharti brings vast experience of interventions in tandem with the Corporate and Academia, having designed programs that are aligned with the CSR goals and the corporate goals. The team of over 45 professionals at Lok Bharti is competent to deliver a set of unique industry-demand driven, multi-stakeholder programs, to bridge the gaps in potentially high growth employment industries/sectors. We can deliver a measurable impact and thus derive strategic imperatives from the CSR Agenda which is linked to the core business proposition of the corporate.
Lok Bharti has to its credit the following:
• Certified training provider with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
• Affiliated to various Sector Skill Councils like Construction, Retail, Healthcare, Automotive etc.
• Executed Government programs like Himayat, SSA, MoRD, UPSDM, Aajeevika, RSLDC, SJSRY, ELSTP etc.
• Impacted the lives and livelihoods of 2,00,000 + beneficiaries
• PAN India Program Interventions
• Foray into Green Energy Skilling Initiatives
• Women Empowerment by providing training to women and making them self-sustainable and financially independent and a focus on Gender Equality
• Inclusive initiatives with Persons with Disability
• Generate employment and entrepreneurship opportunities at the bottom of the pyramid
Our vision of nation building and our commitment to give back to the society forms the basis of our CSR initiatives. Our ground level CSR initiatives have been instrumental in bringing about social change impacting lives of communities and individuals for a better future, one step at a time. We address and drive social and human concerns.

BCCI Member
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Registered address
Lok Bharti Education Society, 10, Sagar Apartments, 6, Tilak Marg, New Delhi- 110001
State Selection
Pin Code
Communication address
43, First Floor, Community Centre, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase – I, Naraina, New Delhi – 110028 Phone No: 011-46546161 Email id: info@lokbharti.ac.in,nidhi.khullar@lokbharti.ac.in
Pin Code
Geographical Presence
List down the states and Districts in India in which you have implemented social programs?
Andhra Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Awards & Recognition
Recognition / award / appreciation for its activities in last 3 years.
14_Lok Bharti Recognitions and Awards_0.pdf
Year of Registration
29 yearsLegal Structure
Legal structure
Beneficiaries reached
Total no. of beneficiaries impacted till now
8,00,000 +
Chief Promoter
Name of chief promoter(s)
CEO Nitin Seth, Senior Vice President Nidhi Khullar
80g Certificate
Do you have 80G certificate?
FCRA Certificate
Do you have FCRA certificate?